Auric Energy Reading & Healing

An Auric reading is an energetic reading that laser focuses on each chakra.

Each chakra corresponds to a layer of your aura. Within these areas we will look at

and acknowledge the energy that is helping you align with your highest path and

also look at energy that could be preventing or blocking you from your desired

path. The purpose is to identify what energy doesn’t belong, and energetically

move it out of your auric field, making space to embody more of your higher self

and align more fully to your soul purpose.

Past life Explorations

Explore a past life that may have something to teach you in this one. Sometimes

events, traumas and family programming from a past life could be impacting your

current state of healing. Looking at the energy of these lives can help us bring any

past life karma into the present and clear out any conscious or unconscious

agreements or contracts we may have made. This will clear out any energy that

isn’t serving you in your current life and growth cycle, making more room for you

to embody your higher self. Becoming aware helps your body and mind integrate

this information from your soul and to alchemize all of your energy into a more

aligned you!